Micronized loads thousands of tons of Feldspar, Silica Quartz, Mica, Talc and Kaolin products from its various factories every month to supply the paints, coatings, glass, ceramics and personal care industries, and this is the first time an all-lady crew has collected 34 tons (75 000 lbs) of product and driven nearly 1000 km’s to keep the wheels of our economy spinning.

Philile and her trainee, Zamkize, have broken through a glass ceiling by becoming one of the first all-woman crew in South Africa to take on a super heavyweight profession. This single-mother of three children originally qualified as a nurse and then studied IT.  But the open road beckoned and Philile overcame the scepticism of her father and three brothers to pursue her dream. Their disbelief was soon replaced by encouragement and delight.  “I have an accident-free record and an office with the best view in the country,” she says.  Philile encourages all women to pursue their dreams, even if it means journeying on the road less travelled.  

And with a ton of energy behind the wheel of a 56-ton monster truck, best not to stand in her way.